

Addictions start at an alarming young age; I became bulimic when I was fourteen and I started heavy drinking when I was fifteen. Most teenagers are already tempted and offered drugs and alcohol at an even earlier age. I would love to share my story with your youth. Let me come and bring awareness not only on the severity of addictions, but it will also enlighten others to pay attention to similar red flags they see in fellow students. Each youth needs to hear that it’s never too late, or too early, to ask for help. Each youth needs to hear that there is a way out of their situation. Each youth needs to hear that there is true freedom in Christ.



Women’s ministries

Do you really know your neighbor in the pew next to you? Or do you think you know her based on her Facebook page? Do you know how common eating disorders really are? Obsession, diets, fasting, over exercising, all just to fit in. But fit in where? My guess is that you are trying to fit into the wrong crowd. When I started attending church, I was broken and lost. I had no idea who Jesus was because I was so worried about what you might think of me. Now, five years later after surrendering my life to Jesus, I’m honestly still a little broken. My heart is fragile, just like yours. But I now without a doubt which crowd I fit perfectly into, and that’s the crowd that’s on fire for Jesus. Get to know your neighbor; her story might actually save your life.




public schools

The power of words can bring life or death to someone. At the age of fourteen, a boy cut deep into my soul with the strength of his words. “You’d better run faster than that, or you will always be fat.”

Addiction, low self-esteem, alcohol abuse, depression, and eating disorders are too often the go-to source for teens to find comfort. My testimony of fire will bring truth to the severity of these empty sources. Even though I know specifically where my personal source of strength comes from, this informative and motivational speech is suitable for public schools, not just Christian programs.
